Kitwe Services Terms and Conditions
Whilst every care is taken with all goods entrusted to us and only the best and most advanced cleaning processes used, all goods are received at owner’s risk, as certain defects in material become noticeable only during the cleaning or dyeing process, and we do not accept liability for loss or damage by Fire, Theft, Burglary, Stretching or Shrinking and non-removal of stains.
All articles are accepted on the basis of it being used and of second hand value. Therefore, in the event of liability, compensation shall not exceed 5 times the cleaning charge.
As responsibility cannot be accepted for buttons, buckles or ornaments, we advise customers to remove same.
Electronic goods, or keys cut, cannot be refunded at any time – unless authorized by management.
All goods unclaimed after 2 months will be sold to defray expenses. The responsibility lies with the client to inspect goods on receipt thereof as no claims will be considered after goods have been taken from the premises.
The dry cleaner is not responsible for any color loss or damage during the cleaning process. Customers are advised to check the colorfastness of their garments before getting them cleaned. The final result may vary and the dry cleaner cannot guarantee an exact match to the original color. By using our services, the customer assumes all responsibility for any color loss or damage.